Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Election Stuff No.2

Congressional Quarterly is mostly a subscription-only site but its campaign material is free and open and thorough. Good map, including congressional districts and lots of information on demographics, previous election results, etc.

In the next few days, I hope to post something on polls, how to guard against bad ones or misinterpretations and so on. If anyone cares to guest post on this topic, drop me a note. Jack Hart put this poll primer together for the newsroom trainers.

I'm curious--in the old days, newspapers would try to be careful not to run negative stories 24 or 48 hours before the election, trying to avoid sandbagging a candidate at the last minute. With the rise of the Internet, and the ability to spread rumor, lies and facts at lightning speed, are we still being careful? Or are we throwing caution to the wind?

1 comment:

fev said...

Hey, Pam: Not the same as a guest post, but I've put some routine complaints and warnings about poll practices up over at headsuptheblog. You and yours, of course, are cordially invited.

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