Thursday, October 30, 2008

Looking for Answers

This falls into my "someone better do something pretty soon" category. I don't know if this meeting will find any solutions but it's good to see people making the effort before too many newspapers give up entirely.

'Information Valet' Gathering Seeks to Define Sustainable Future of Journalism

Up to 70 executives, technologists and information-industry strategists will register and gather Dec. 3-5 at a new University of Missouri research center for a three-day effort to define and launch a competitive business model for sustaining journalism.


If your passion is news, or you are a senior executive or strategist in the
news, advertising, telecommunications, entertainment, wireless, technology,
health care, financial services or entertainment industries, you'll want to
consider joining us.

Because the Information Valet Project could change your business in ways you
haven't imagined. For once, it's your chance to shape disruption to your
advantage -- before it occurs.

So join participants from Lee Enterprises . . . MediaNews Group . . . the
Berkman Center at Harvard University . . . as we outline a network for privacy,
advertising, commerce, personalization -- and perhaps, too, getting paid for
journalism that matters.

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