Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Those Darned Copy Editors

My favorite part of this Fox errors story is how, once again, a copy editor gets blamed for the latest screwup.

That is not to say a copy editor didn't make the latest mistake. I didn't see just how any of the errors manifested themselves: was it material spliced into others, or a quick hit with a bad chyron?

Or maybe just a quick wrong tape? Based on my year working at another network's website, I could see how using an erroneous slug, such as tape identification number, for example, could result in something getting onto air when it shouldn't.

Trying to slow down the pace and get rid of extra unnecessary work to focus on simply getting the story right definitely sounds like a good idea. I hope newspaper editors inclined to add multiple subheads, extra graphics, story summaries and web versions of everything are listening.

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