Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Putting Reporters Through Hoops

What reporters do and why we need them: When a green card holder was (falsely) accused of smuggling drugs, he was arrested and tossed into jail for more than 2 months. This is some of what reporters did to try to find out what happened to him.
When asked about the case, Customs officials directed The Washington Post to Maryland Transportation Authority Police, which directed a reporter to prosecutors in the Anne Arundel County state’s attorney’s office. Prosecutors answered some questions about their case but directed The Post to the Department of Homeland Security over questions on Haughton’s detainer.
ICE directed The Post back to Customs, where Steve Sapp, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said privacy laws prohibit the agency “from discussing specifics of any individual traveler’s arrivals inspection.”

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