Monday, November 27, 2006

Civil Language for War

Someone over at Atrios wrote this about NBC this morning. I did not hear it.

Matt Lauer led this morning's Today with the announcement that NBC News will from now on refer to the Current Unpleasantness as a "civil war." (UPDATE: Josh Marshall delves into this, too.

That's in keeping with what the Los Angeles Times appears to have been doing for about the last week or so, referring to the Iraq situation as a civil war. I did some Nexis research over the weekend when the question of how to refer to the fighting/bombing/murdering came up elsewhere and find most publications, in their news columns, at least, still writing about "sectarian violence" or trying to avert a civil war.

Update no.2: Confirmation from Newsbusters, a not-liberal blog.

What are other publications doing? Has the balance finally tipped and the reality of the situation unavoidable?

And what constitutes a civil war? How would you define it, beyond what the dictionary says?

1 comment:

Andy Bechtel said...

The News & Observer wire desk offers this roundup of what different media are doing with this question:

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