Evan Jenkins, 72, Retired Editor at The Times, Dies
The New York Times
Evan Jenkins, a retired editor at The New York Times who was an authority on the linguistic bugbears — “gantlet” versus “gauntlet,” “flaunt” versus “flout” — that keep reporters, editors and many others awake at night, died yesterday at his home in Huntington, N.Y. He was 72.
The cause was cancer, his wife, Diane Jenkins, said.
At his death, Mr. Jenkins was the consulting editor for Columbia Journalism Review, where his lighthearted (though serious-minded) column, Language Corner, appeared from 1996 until his death. Mr. Jenkins’s columns were the basis of his book, “That or Which, and Why: A Usage Guide for Thoughtful Writers and Editors,” published by Routledge this year.
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